Mental Health 101


In the first episode of the lululemon is Talking Mental podcast series, we delve into 'Mental Health 101'. Discussing topics including spotting the red flags to understanding why self-awareness is key to prevention, as well as sharing a personal recovery story. Take a seat and watch episode 1 of this 4 part series featuring Psychiatrist Dr Jackie Fu and our very own Assistant Store Manager at the lululemon IFC store, Cherry Cheng. 


Psychiatrist Dr Jackie Fu and Assistant Store Manager of lululemon IFC store Cherry Cheng

在「lululemon is Talking Mental podcast系列」的第一集中,精神科專科醫生傅子健醫生與我們深入探討心理健康101:講解情緒病的常見警號、如何對我們的精神狀態進行自我評估,以及為出現情緒病症狀的人提供建議。 lululemon ifc的助理店鋪經理鄭慧儀與我們分享了她驚恐發作的親身經歷以及她尋求幫助和康復的過程。


傅子健醫生 – 精神科專科醫生及鄭慧儀 – lululemon ifc助理店鋪經理

Podcast Language 語言:Cantonese 廣東話